
How it works


Pickup & Delivery.

Click on the "Book Now" button, make a user acocunt and submit a request for pickup. 

Drop off Laundry

The drop off hours for the wash, dry, fold service is from 11:30 to 8:00 daily.

We are sorry but we do not wash pillows of any kind

Personal Preferences

Let us know if you have any specific instructions for your clothes so we can accomodate how you want your laundry done.

Wash Time

We have a 24 hour turn around time on the Wash, Dry Fold service.


Items we are not responsible for

Items left in the machines unattended

We will do our best to remove stains from ites we launder but we cannot guarantee that all stains will be revoved

Frequently Asked Questions

What do the washers cost?
What does it cost to dry clothes?
Do you have drop of service?

Didn't find what you were looking for?

24-hour Turnaround

We work all day & night shifts. Let us take care of your laundry today!